Price: | $9.95 |
Status: | IN STOCK |
ISBN: | 978-0-88997-439-5 |
Code: | 182-360 |
Youth at Worship is intended to assist those who prepare and participate in liturgies that involve young people. While reinforcing those fundamental liturgical principles that properly guide all worship activities, the document indicates those areas where adaptation of practices and rituals will encourage participation and enable the symbols, word and gestures of the liturgy to speak more clearly.
This resource describes and explains basic liturgical principles and illustrates them with a series of DOs and DON'Ts, such as: "DO begin with hospitality, making sure all people are welcomed in the Christian assembly," and "DON'T tell young people they are the Church of the future while denying them a voice in the Church of today."
48 pages, 17 x 25.5 cm, saddle-stitchedQuantity |